Beerview: Rogue’s Mocha Porter

Beerview: Rogue’s Mocha Porter

I like beer, and I like to try new beers. I’ll tell you about the good and bad ones I find. I am not qualified an any way to talk about beer, but I’m going to anyway.

This weekend a friend took me to the Rogue Employee Store. If you don’t live in the Pacific Northwest, Rogue is a brewery from Newport, OR. that specializes in unusual beers. Such as the Voodoo Donut ale. They’ve done a few of these, but this one is the Maple Bacon bar kind. Yep, it tastes like you would imagine.


They also have this gem, the Sriracha beer. This tastes like you combined all the condiments at a Vietnamese restaurant and drank it.


They have successful brews too, but because of the novelty they can end up being a little overpriced. That’s why I jumped on the chance to go to the employee store, to get some half-priced bottles. One of the gems I picked up the Mocha Porter. Not unusual, not novelty, but delicious.

It has a really nutty espresso flavor, but ends with a nice creaminess. It’s perfect for a cold winter month, because it feels like a treat. If you’re looking for a nice, caramely, coffey, nutty beer this is a great choice, especially at half price. I would recommend turning to Rogue if you want a classic porter.

Rating: 3.5 pint glasses

Going out

I don’t understand the appeal of “going out” on the weekends. It’s one of those things like eating an entire casserole dish of mac and cheese in one sitting. It starts out exciting, is fun during the middle and then begins to suck. You spend time putting on make up and doing your hair, or whatever the male equivalent of that is.

The party doesn’t start until 10 but you find yourself dozing off at 6 so you put on some music and try to get pumped up for a fun night with your friends or co workers. Then you get to the bar or party and things seem cool. You catch up with your friends, get a beer and get the lay of the land. So far people seem to be having a good time. There’s a few people you know and then others you don’t, but the idea of making new friends is fresh and exciting. You boldly walk up to a group of people and start talking. Of course your dazzling wit immediately charms everyone and they begin to fall in love with you just like everyone does. Then the night goes on and people around you begin to get more drunk and soon your obscure Quantum Leap references aren’t landing like they did an hour ago.

So you return to the friends you came with only to find one of them is having an ex boyfriend situation and is crying in the bathroom. Another two hours are gone helping her and it’s already time to go home. The lights go on and everyone starts to pair up like they’re salmon needing to spawn before their short lives are over. You have a boyfriend so you just collect your belongings and head home.

Of course when you get home you realize you haven’t eaten since 5 because your night usually ends at 11, so you make yourself a snack, which ends up taking another hour and before you know it, it’s way later than you were intending staying up, and you still have to take your makeup off and go to bed. It’s not like it was in college, when you knew most everyone at the local bar and didn’t have to stick only to small talk for four hours. You also find yourself getting tired much earlier than you did three years ago. So not only are you tired and hungry, you’re thinking about your mortality and how age is a real thing that’s coming to get you.

Maybe some day I’ll get the appeal of a night on the town, but for the time being I would rather have my friends over for pizza, beer and a board game or movie. That is my natural habitat. Now, I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea. If you love going out and getting dressed up and meeting new people and going to new places, get on with your bad self. I will join you for the first hour or two and then make a sneaky escape back to my couch.

Beerview: Double Mountain IRA

Beerview: Double Mountain IRA

I like beer, and I like to try new beers. I’ll tell you about the good and bad ones I find. I am not qualified an any way to talk about beer, but I’m going to anyway.

I love this beer. I’m not even going to play coy because I really love it. It has a well-rounded, full-bodied flavor that goes with anything. I had it for the first time with Vietnamese food. It paired surprisingly well with peanut sauce and tofu that I had to try it with a burger and of course it was perfect there too.

Double Mountain is a relatively small brewery in Hood River, Oregon and I didn’t expect such big flavor to come from them. I realize it isn’t fair to assume that a brewery in a smaller town can’t produce big flavor, I’m from Fort Collins so I really should know better, but it’s so nice to see such unique flavors coming from the mountains.

The first time I had this beer, with a delicious peanut curry stir fry, my dad tried it and liked it so much that he switched beers with me. He had a pale ale at my suggestion because that’s what he tends to but he really liked the this Red. Why? Because it has a flavor unlike any other red out there, or unlike any beer out there.

I can’t recommend it enough, so go out and get some so I can stop pretending to be your friend. We obviously don’t have anything in common until you’ve tried it.

Rating: Five fucking pints. (Like there was any question)

I’m back baby!!

Beerview: Deschutes’ Cinder Cone Red

Beerview: Deschutes’ Cinder Cone Red

I like beer, and I like to try new beers. I’ll tell you about the good and bad ones I find. I am not qualified an any way to talk about beer, but I’m going to anyway.

I love me so Deschutes. They always come out with interesting and delicious flavors, some I’ve written about before. So when I saw their Cinder (Something) beer I knew I had to try it. I like red ales and Deschutes, so why not.

It’s not bad. That’s pretty much my only analysis of this beer is that it’s okay. It was tasty, but nothing to write home about, just a blog post on the internet. It has good flavor, good body and a nice warming affect every beer should possess, but I don’t see myself buying a sick pack if there are other options.

I would say it’s a perfectly acceptable beer, and you should try it if you have the chance, just don’t go out of your way to get it.

Rating: 2 Pint Glasses

Beerview: Burnside Brewing’s Sweet Heat

Beerview: Burnside Brewing’s Sweet Heat

I like beer, and I like to try new beers. I’ll tell you about the good and bad ones I find. I am not qualified an any way to talk about beer, but I’m going to anyway.

I’ve been feeling really adventurous when it comes to beer lately, so I couldn’t say no to Burnside Brewing’s Sweet Heat. The label says it has a combination of apricot puree and Jamaican Scotch Bonnet peppers. I’ve had a few spicy beers in the past and have loved them so I was excited to sink my teeth into this Portland creation.

The color is a light orange almost like a cream soda, and it smells like it has a kick. The first sip is quite sweet without much spice at all. I was actually disappointed because I was looking for something with a stronger flavor not Pyramid Apricot Ale. As I made my way through the bottle, my throat began to burn a bit and I started to detect the smokey flavor of a pepper.

I’ve never tasted a beer that had nailed a flavor on the head like that. With half my drink left it felt like I was eating a pepper dipped in apricot jam right from the stem and the subtle burn in my throat persisted. All in all it was a pretty well-rounded beer. Not something I could drink more than a pint of, but I did enjoy it.

Rating: 3 Pints

Beerview: Rolling Rock

Beerview: Rolling Rock

I like beer, and I like to try new beers. I’ll tell you about the good and bad ones I find. I am not qualified an any way to talk about beer, but I’m going to anyway.

I realize Rolling Rock is a little different than what I normally review, but sometimes you want a casual cheap beer for a football game or just to hang out and enjoy. In my eyes, it’s the best of the worst, I put it in the same category as Bud or Coors Light. Honestly I probably can’t tell them all apart, but everyone has their favorite cheap beer and mine just happens to come in a green bottle.

The thing with beer is people have really strong opinions on it. I have friends who will defend Pabst to the death, while I feel like it’s drinking a piece of bread, in a bad way. Other people actually spend money on Miller, while I liken it to drinking melted butter. These people seem crazy to me while they have in turn bashed my beloved drink of choice.

It’s unclear why people choose the beer they love since they all pretty much taste like water. Maybe it’s regional, although I think even people in Milwaukee make fun of Milwaukee’s Best, and I’m from Colorado but I’m not Team Coors. Maybe it’s the color of the can, how well the pop tops, or if it effectively shotguns.

Like most things in life it all comes down to personal preference. It doesn’t make sense to argue over which is better because at the end of the day it’s all water and hops, even if it can turn the can as blue as the Rockies. I’ve found with beer that people are going to drink what they’re going to drink regardless of how hard you try to convince them yours is better. That’s why I am now and will forever be Rolling Rock’s number one fan.

Rating: Three tall boys

Beerview: Elysian Bifrost Winter Ale

Beerview: Elysian Bifrost Winter Ale

I like beer, and I like to try new beers. I’ll tell you about the good and bad ones I find. I am not qualified an any way to talk about beer, but I’m going to anyway.

Winter is coming, and bringing dark, rich beer with it. Elysian Brewing Company from Seattle is never one to shy away from full flavors, and Bifrost is no exception.

Though it boasts citrus flavors on the label the thing that hits you in the face is the hops. It is a full flavor that will warm you to your toes on a frosty night. This isn’t a beer to enjoy a lot because it’s 7.6%, so be wary of drinking too many.

Overall this is a really solid beer to carry you from Fall to Winter.

Rating: 4 pint glasses

Wineview: Wine Cube

Wineview: Wine Cube

I like wine, and I like to try new wine. I’ll tell you about the good and bad ones I find. I am not qualified an any way to talk about wine, but I’m going to anyway.

Look, I’m poor. If you didn’t know that you’re obviously new, so welcome! This means that I can’t splurge on wine. I’m more of a beer girl, but every once in a while I like to buy a bottle of wine. However the wine that is in my budget tastes like vinegar. With that in mind, I may have found the solution and it is ridiculous and excessive. It’s called the Wine Cube. No brand name, just a description of what shape it is and what it holds.

No it isn’t classy and yes you’ll feel like an idiot buying one, but it’s cheap and tastes good. In case you haven’t caught up on it it’s a cube of wine, take that Franzia, that holds four bottles and actually seals so it stays fresh for up to a month. I paid $15 for it, which means a little under $4/bottle. Here’s the kicker: It doesn’t suck. No it isn’t going to win any awards or be featured in any self respecting restaurant but if you’re sipping on a budget you are in luck/

I tried the Cabernet Sauvignon and it was dry, sweet and full-bodied. Let’s be honest though, if you’re buying wine in a box you can’t have super high expectations, but with Wine Cube you will enjoy your rotten grapes.

Beerview: Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin

Beerview: Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin

I like beer, and I like to try new beers. I’ll tell you about the good and bad ones I find. I am not qualified an any way to talk about beer, but I’m going to anyway.

It’s October, and that means pumpkin. For better or worse, you can’t turn around in a grocery store without hitting something with spice in the title. Never to be outdone by Starbucks, the beer industry jumped on the gourd train and gives the signature flavor and alcoholic twist.

I thought I would start with a generic brand, Blue Moon, and a generic flavor, Harvest Pumpkin. Let’s give it a try.

The first think I noticed is it has twist-off cap, which is perfect if you’re on the go. On first sip, I detect some definite spice-like notes. Nothing overpowering or risky because it is Blue Moon after all.

Halfway through the bottle the spices dull and it tastes like Blue Moon, and I like Blue Moon, so that’s good. Imagine you spilled cloves in your Belgian Wheat and there you have Harvest Pumpkin. Not bad, but nothing to write home about.

Rating: 2 pint glasses