Writing is a muscle

The ability to write is like a muscle. You can read books about writing and take lessons, but the only way to strengthen it is to use it. Watching work out videos will give you ideas and tips for your next gym experience, but it won’t do the work for you. The same goes for writing, sometimes the only way to get better is just to do it.

That’s one of the reasons I started this blog. I write at work, but I wanted to try a new style of writing. So far, I’ve loved it. It’s a great stress release and it’s fun. Now I’m inspired to try other kinds of writing. In college I took a creative non-fiction class, and although I didn’t care for the professor, I loved the style of writing. I also love comedy but never tried to write comedy. Whether thats stand-up or sketch

This year I’m going to take time during the weekend to try out different kinds of writing. I plan on posting the things I’m really proud of here, because getting feedback is another staple of writing.

One thought on “Writing is a muscle

  1. You’re right! A lot of people just think about ideas but they don’t write them down and improve. I find that the biggest flaw in most budding writers is that they think too much and write too little such that the little things like grammar and story structure get messed up. Writing everyday in a blog will go some way in improving many aspects of our own writing 🙂


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