Je suis Charlie

I’ve never written anything political on this blog, and I don’t intend to make a habit of it. But I write this blog for myself and today there are things I need to work though. Return on Friday for another episode of my podcast.

Today is a hard day to be a journalist. A satirical magazine, Charlie Hedbo, was attacked and 12 people were killed.

I don’t want to talk about the religious or political implications of the attack, I just want to mourn with my fellow writers and creators.

Argentinan comic Bernardo Erlich said it best, “The world has become so dangerous that humor is a risky profession.” 12 people died writing about the hypocrisies of the world, and that makes me sad. If writers aren’t awarded the freedom to say what they want to, nothing will ever change. Journalists, comedians, comics, and filmmakers are able to make people thing differently about themselves and the world, and if that is taken away, we open ourselves to even more abuse, injustice and evil. Where will we be in 20 years if we allow that?

I always strive to make this blog a place for positivity and hope and it is hard to find any of that in a situation like this. The thing that has brought me solace is the global response. People all over the world are holding vigils to send the message that this won’t make journalists back down. The world isn’t going to stop drawing, writing, filming and singing because of this. We’re not always going to agree with each other, but we have to listen to each other. It’s too dangerous not to.

There is no freedom without freedom of speech.

One thought on “Je suis Charlie

  1. So happy to hear Obama is offering our oldest ally assistance if pursuing those responsible. The basic freedoms of speech and the press are ones that we and France hold highly and do not stand for anyone to attack them.
    If there were ever a time to write a meaningful political post, this was it my dear 🙂


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