Show Wrap-Ups

I consume entirely too much media on a daily basis. This Fall alone I’ve already added six shows to my line up, and that’s on top of the old ones I was already watching and the 65 YouTube channels I’m subscribed to. It’s getting out of hand and no one has tried to stop me, in fact everyone in my life is just an enabler. My boyfriend, friends and parents send me funny cat videos all the time. My coworkers are constantly bringing up things I’ve haven’t read or watched. Hell, even the ads on the street I take to work are filled with shows that look intriguing to me.

I have a sickness but I like it. I like watching people talk about their lives into a camera. I like watching cheesy sitcoms that recycle jokes from years past. And I really like cat videos. So what do I do? Turn off my TV, computer and phone? Keep my head down when I go outside so I don’t catch the beginning of a Law and Order: SVU marathon? Or do I accept my fate as another media-obsessed millennial and own it? I choose the latter.

This whole uncomfortable post was to say that I’m going to start doing show recaps on this blog, because at least then I can justify my obsession as productive. Starting sometime soon (never commit to an actual date, or anything for that matter) I will be writing about my favorite shows of the week in a comprehensive post on Sunday. If you like shows too, go ahead and read it, if not skip ahead to when I drink beer on Friday or make the funny funny jokes about being unemployed. I just made you a free, less fun Choose Your Own Adventure book, you’re welcome.

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