I like beer, and I like to try new beers. I’ll tell you about the good and bad ones I find. I am not qualified an any way to talk about beer, but I’m going to anyway.

I’ve been feeling really adventurous when it comes to beer lately, so I couldn’t say no to Burnside Brewing’s Sweet Heat. The label says it has a combination of apricot puree and Jamaican Scotch Bonnet peppers. I’ve had a few spicy beers in the past and have loved them so I was excited to sink my teeth into this Portland creation.

The color is a light orange almost like a cream soda, and it smells like it has a kick. The first sip is quite sweet without much spice at all. I was actually disappointed because I was looking for something with a stronger flavor not Pyramid Apricot Ale. As I made my way through the bottle, my throat began to burn a bit and I started to detect the smokey flavor of a pepper.

I’ve never tasted a beer that had nailed a flavor on the head like that. With half my drink left it felt like I was eating a pepper dipped in apricot jam right from the stem and the subtle burn in my throat persisted. All in all it was a pretty well-rounded beer. Not something I could drink more than a pint of, but I did enjoy it.

Rating: 3 Pints

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