How to: Survive a 14-hour day

Graduating college might mean that you have to work two or three jobs to make ends meet. Sometimes those jobs work together and you can have a life outside of work, but more often than not that’s not the case and you’ll find yourself in the middle of a 14 hour day. The more of them you do, the easier it will get, but until then here are some tips for getting through a marathon day.

Tip 1: Snacks. A key part to keeping up your energy is lots of snacks. Legally you should have designated meals throughout the day, and those are very important to, but I’m talking about in between meals. You want to bring things that will stave off the hanger at 2 pm. This can be anything you like. You can go for something healthy or stick with comfort food to keep yourself happy.

Tip 2: Make a game. Say you work in retail and you’ve folded the same shirt thirteen times in four hours, that could become tedious. Pretend the president called you to say a meteor is heading toward North America and the only way to stop it is to fold all the shirts on the table in two minutes. Or imagine each shirt is work ten points and getting 500 points means you can go home.

Tip 3: Caffeine. Drink it and love it. I’m not a coffee drinker so I opt for tea or if I’m really desperate soda. Nothing puts a pep in your step like more sugar than should be legal.

There is no formula for getting through a long day, but practice makes perfect.


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